TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 91 , 31/03/20

Do these pictures find me ?

I was a man with a plan today, I had a fully developed idea in my head and I was about to capture a shot in my garden . Then I found this !

I imagine this serendipitous piece of symbolism was accidentally gifted to me by neighboring children , it made me smile upon first sight , then made me sad on reflection !

These difficult times help me see the significance in small everyday things that I might of missed before .

Today’s lockdown garden shoot was cancelled , I can’t beat this “Happy” accident ?

A reflection of our times , shot today, as found , Burst Red Balloon , 2020 .

Did I tell you ? I’ve got this perfectly formed idea for tomorrow….

March complete and shot 91 done , stay safe .

A symbolic reflection of our times , shot as found , Burst Red Balloon , 2020 .

A symbolic reflection of our times , shot as found , Burst Red Balloon , 2020 .