Lets be clear, I do not photograph ducks ! Nothing wrong with ducks or those who choose to photograph ducks but I would rather not photograph ducks but I did today !
My identity as a photographer seems to shift from day to day on this 365 project , I roll the dice and come back with pictures that look like nothing I have ever done before , its exciting and surprising !
I’m not sure if this pic is pin sharp anywhere , I’m not sure if I would recommend using long lenses with slow shutter speeds, hand held , I’m not sure of very much photographically anymore ?
I do know that taking photographic risks pays off big, now and then , I also know that if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck, then its a ………
Muscovy Duck , I think ?
Day 37 , done, same time tomorrow.
TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 37 , 06/02/20