TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 57 , 26/02/20

Another day of “challenges” begins, thought I best get the 365 out the way early, not bad for a shot that was thrown together in 5 minutes !

The futures so bright , I’ve got to wear shades ,shot 57 done , the 365 project continues and lives to fight another day !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 55 , 24/02/20

A massive effort has gone into shooting and posting this humble picture today, I’m happy to have maintained the integrity of this project on a very unusual day , at least your visual knowledge of my footwear has increased !

The most challenging day of this project so far is over, thankfully !

My Everyday Trainers, shot 55 done, its got to be easier tomorrow ?


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 54 , 23/02/20

Not the shot I had planned for today, other commitments and Six Nations Rugby distracted me from a 365 location shoot today !

This could be the first of a series based on “Shoes Bought In Sales, Yet To Be Worn” , shot in my kitchen just before kick off, with available light !

Trainers in box , shot 54 , done !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 53 , 22/02/20

Inspired by yesterdays shoot I decided to make more of yesterdays location today !

Strange how one shot leads to the next on this 365 project, during yesterdays edit I thought that “The Door” would make a cracking background for a series of Street Portraits .

Would random strangers agree to be photographed by me or was this idea a busted flush before it began ?

I am pleased to report that each of the three people I asked, agreed , I am grateful to each of them for their help, thank you !

A triptych of Street Portraits today, then the rain arrived , more to follow ? The future could be door shaped !

Shoot no 53 done, same time tomorrow…


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 52 , 21/02/20

You can definitely over think this picture each day malarkey, nothing wrong with wanting to make the best shot you can each day, capture a moment or make something from nothing !

Conversely it’s much easier if you can find “Something” you like like the look of and just make a picture , just a simple record of the thing itself , that’s what I did today .

This door is a piece of art, Door That Should Never Be Painted , shot 52 done , same time tomorrow !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 51 , 20/02/20

I returned to the scene of the flooding today in the hope of finding a single shot that would represent the clean up, it was astonishing to see the village without the water .

I knew I had found what I was looking for as soon as I saw the sandbags and broom outside this shop, I was taken by the way the dampness had steamed up the windows and brought out the colours of the stone work, the small sign even informed viewers of the location, not bad for a found view.

Its nice to have a picture for the 365 project that brings this flood story to an end , sadly this story could be about to repeat itself very soon , the weekend weather forecast is not good for my part of the UK !

Shot 51 done, same time tomorrow !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 50 , 19/02/20

A bit of a theme is developing this week on my Trip Around The Sun project and it certainly is not sun !

I approached today with a positive mindset despite the conditions and went looking for something that was not flood related, I could not escape the rain, so I decided to use it as a feature, I also decided to present my rain splattered telegraph poles as a faux polaroid !

I’m not unhappy with the shots below, something from not very much ?

Shot 50 done, bit of a milestone, same time tomorrow !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 49 , 18/02/20

I returned to this flooded location today expecting the water to have dropped back, it has not !

I invested much more time shooting the floods today and created a number of editorial style images, my preference is for these quieter captures that reflect the human side of this devastating weather event .

The picture below is one of my favorites from the edit so far .

Shot 49 done, the flooding continues and is getting worse in the Wye Valley , stay safe !.

Same time tomorrow, services allowing ?


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 48 , 17/02/20

This is The River Wye today , my thoughts go out to everyone who has been effected by the devastation of recent storms .

Stay safe .

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 48 , 17/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 48 , 17/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 47 , 16/02/20

Storm Dennis and a Newcastle United televised fixture was all the motivation I needed to get the 365 done quickly today !

A lovely Sunday afternoon awaited me if I could find a decent shot and put the 365 project to bed for the week.

That is not how it worked out , I decided to revisit the “Sticky Square” location, those of you who follow this project will be aware that I have a “Sticky” history with this location ! I have convinced myself that a good shot is waiting to be found here but I have failed to find it so far !

The moment I framed up the “Square” the rain got worse, not so good for me but making the shot look better, I got a few shots and I got soaked !

Was it worth it, maybe, maybe ? The adoption of a continuous improvement ethos is one of the big 365 project lessons, shoot and shoot again until your happy !

Shot no 47 done, the Sticky Square and me might be done too ?

Same time tomorrow .

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 47 , 16/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 47 , 16/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 46 , 15/02/20

I took on the 365 picture each day challenge to discover where my photography would lead me when circumstances conspired against me !

This project is easy when its easy but days like today require a different approach , if you do things differently you get “Different” results !

I am surprised & pleased with today’s picture, it’s only 6 matchsticks shot against the back of a letter but it feels like more ? .

Shot 46 done , have a good weekend !

Do you have a light Mac ?

Same time tomorrow .

No ,but I have a dark brown overcoat !

No ,but I have a dark brown overcoat !

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 45 , 14/02/20

Happy Valentines Day !

Not much energy, motivation or opportunity for a 365 shot today, I have managed a quick shot of this bouquet & bear ! It might not be much of a picture but it is better than having to engage with the freezing greyness of today !

Improved 365 business will resume tomorrow, hopefully, I can’t decide what to eat tonight ?

Its not a Masterpiece each day , just a picture of my everyday, shot 45 done !

Same time tomorrow .

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 45 , 14/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 45 , 14/02/20


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 44 , 13/02/20

I implied that silhouettes were the photographers equivalent of “The Last Chance Saloon” in a earlier 365 post , I might of got that wrong ?

Here’s the whinge bit , today was cold, the light was flat and my inspiration was low, this was not a day for messing about, I needed to identify and shoot something quick, I invested 20 mins in today’s view !

I watched as a flock of pigeons flew over my head before landing on a nearby roof , I thought I’ll shoot these birds as they fly off against what was a decent stormy looking sky , these birds did not fly off, they might still be on that roof now for all I know !

Thankfully the heavy cloud, a long lens and this bird about to land saved the day, proving that silhouettes are not the last hope haven for photographers , the haven of last hope for photographers is reserved for those like myself who have nothing better to shoot than silhouettes of pigeons on a cold winters day ! I’ll do what needs doing to maintain my Trip Around The Sun .

Shot 44 done, same time tomorrow !

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 44 , 13/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 44 , 13/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 43 , 12/02/20

Mediterranean sunlight & deep long shadows wrapped around ancient Grecian architecture does not usually feature in my 365 Trip Around The Sun photographs and today is no exception, this is rural Gloucestershire on the 12th February 2020 !

This view is relatively new, it has been hidden away by a neighboring building for more than 100 years, that building has been demolished, revealing this ! I had to photograph it as I have a soft spot for external shadowy stairs.

I’m sure it won’t be long before this scene is hidden away again by a replacement structure.

I made a lot of pictures today, the conditions were ideal ,still not many people about, I discovered a few new locations this morning that I’m sure can and will deliver great pictures if I can get access in the future, it may not be the Med but I’m not complaining !

Shot No 43 done , same time tomorrow !

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 43 , 12/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 43 , 12/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 42 , 11/02/20

A break in the storm, gave me the chance to get out of the house and search for today’ s 365 picture !

It was good to be out in the winter sunshine camera in hand, I initially headed for the woods, but failed to pull the trigger on anything , I ended up at a location I had shot before, years ago, it looked different today, especially when shot in good light with a more graphic approach .

I shot a number of variations of this view and I’m quite happy , result ! .

Eye , Shot 42 done, same time tomorrow .

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 42 , 11/02/20 , I have compared this capture with my existing picture and realise that the eyes have been repainted .recently.

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 42 , 11/02/20 , I have compared this capture with my existing picture and realise that the eyes have been repainted .recently.

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 41 , 10/02/20

Today’s photo subject revealed itself as I was doing a bit of this and that about the house .

This was another good day to avoid the great outdoors if you could, so I did !

These carnations were past their best and were heading for the bin until I decided to save them for today’s picture, a sheet of white paper , a torn piece of corrugated cardboard and a bit of natural window light contributed to giving these blooms one last use before disposal !

Dead Carnations , shot 41 done , hoping for better things tomorrow .


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 40 , 09/02/20

A self portrait of sorts has saved me from having to engage with Storm Ciara today, it is blowing a hooley out there in Gloucestershire !

It was an easy decision to avoid the outdoors today and produce a Parr-esque style selfie, featuring my dodgy legs and arguably dodgier slippers.

I have borrowed Parrs “Signs Of The Times” vibe for this objective view of my slippers and have to admit to being pleased with this record of my canine themed footwear .

This picture will out live these shoes, I’m pleased to have a record of them..

It may not be my finest capture but it is shot 40 of this project and more importantly this pic puts a big smile on my face , same time tomorrow !

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 40 , 09/02/20 (10mm lens , camera flash, print cropped )

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 40 , 09/02/20 (10mm lens , camera flash, print cropped )

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 39 , 08/02/20

I’m a big fan of simple stuff and it doesn’t get much simpler than silhouettes against a big winter sky !

One of the advantages of living in the countryside is that a number of my local locations offer big skies that work well photographically when paired with everyday shapes, like lamp posts, trees and bus stops .

Although today was a bright day, I wasn’t really feeling it or seeing it, as I went about my busy Saturday.

Tick, Tock , Tick Tock , I went all in on this Bus Stop shot , something from nothing, could have been worse , could have been better ?

Shot 39 done and dusted, same time tomorrow !

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 39 , 08/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 39 , 08/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 38 , 07/02/20

As I was driving along I saw this gate post and elegant shadow that glowed like a beacon in the distance. .

Once the “U” turn was completed and the car parked, a bit of careful framing made the most of this ordinary subject, in great light !

I tried a few other pics of other subjects today but this ended up top of the pile, a spontaneous reaction to a very bland scene, this is not about the subject, this picture is about the light, colour and that special shadow !

Photography is so much easier in the right light , shot no 38 done , same time tomorrow .

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 38 , 07/02/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 38 , 07/02/20