TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 77 , 17/03/20

I made a lot of pictures this morning, I’m sharing a couple of frames from this shoot featuring signs !

Strange how and when these “Signs” appear , the part worn, Part Worn Tyre’s sign made my day !

The above sentence is not a typo !

I am shooting Coronavirus related pictures but I don’t want this to become a scary pandemic blog .

Managing to get out & about around here and isolate simultaneously, shot no 77 , Part Worn, Part Worn Tyres Sign !

Shot today, Part Worn, Part Worn Tyre Sign , 2020

Shot today, Part Worn, Part Worn Tyre Sign , 2020


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 75 , 15/03/20

Looking from the kitchen window this morning as I waited for the kettle to boil, I noticed two things, the first thing being, this wet Sunday was no place for a reluctant 365 photographer !

The second thing I noticed was the solution , this wet washing line was looking real good to me, it looked even better when I realised it would also set my Sunday free .

With all that is going on, home based views like this could be the future of our Trip Around The Sun ?

Its not a masterpiece , just a “two frames” survey of my everyday !

Shot no 75 , Wet Washing Line, done and posted before 10.00 am , stay safe !


Later in the day I discovered that local hens were unable to supply enough eggs to keep up with demand , in short, eggs are the shortage of choice here in rural Gloucestershire , this may or may not be connected to the imaginary toilet roll shortage of 2020 ?


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 74 , 14/03/20

Can’t believe I’m posting a 365 on a Saturday night , its my own fault, I left it late, too late !

This is a one framer, shot on the fly, from a car with a wet windscreen .

Saturday night , shot no 74 done !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 73 , 13/03/20

Following on from yesterdays shoot / edit and creating my weekend blog post, I’m taking things easier for the rest of today !

A quick walk around my garden and 3 exposures later , I’m writing this , not a bad shot all considered !

The integrity of my project is maintained , it’s not a masterpiece each day just a survey of my everyday .

Shadow Of Plant On Concrete With Lichen , shot no 73 done . Enjoy your weekend !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 72 , 12/03/20

Today’s shoot was more important than my usual 365 fodder !

I made many pictures today and have not really got to grips with the edit or this shoot , on many levels !

I’ve just returned from the location .

I expect to make many more pictures here but I’m not sure that my Trip Around the Sun is where they belong , these images feel much more significant !

Many thanks to Brian for trusting me to make these pictures , shot no 72 might be the beginning of a much deeper story .


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 71 , 11/03/20

Today was different to any other day on the 365 journey so far ,it started like any other , I followed my instincts and kept my eyes open !

The first picture here is one of my walks on the wild side , as I became desperate to find a shot I also became more wayward !

A chance meeting with the gentleman in the second shot was the highlight of today, I’m photographing his workplace tomorrow, my first prearranged shoot of this project ! A new direction ?

Shot 71 done and the location for tomorrows shoot planned !

This image is created by moving the camera not the car , no photographers or pedestrians were hurt during the making of this photograph !

This image is created by moving the camera not the car , no photographers or pedestrians were hurt during the making of this photograph !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 70 , 10/03/20

I’ve always thought of these tree reflection shots as static , take your time pictures, not today !

I expected to be patient today as the wind and occasional spots of rain played havoc with the lines and clarity of the reflection. This shot relies on the white cloud (Highlight) that draws your eye into the scene , what I did not expect was how quickly this wind blown cloud passed through the view !

This reflection shot is a fleeting moment of alignment, from many attempted exposures, it is the only one that worked !

Thankfully I only need one frame for this 365 project , Trip Around the Sun , no 70 done !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 69 , 09/03/20

Inspired by the beautiful work of Ed Freeman , I set off to photograph a “Old Skool” garage today , I had driven past this location many times and put it on my mental “Pictures To Do” list” !

Today was the day ! I thought the greyness of the day combined with the monochromatic nature of this location could produce something worthwhile , I did not expect this car in the right colour to turn up at the right place as soon as I got the camera out, the car disappeared as quickly as it appeared !

Next time you see a garage like this don’t just photograph it , fill up or buy oil , in short, use it or lose it !

This is frame two of twenty’ish I shot at this location , it is also shot 69 of my Trip Around The Sun.


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 68 , 08/03/20

I have been thinking about the visual representation of the UK this week , I thought this book “Britain Past And Present” was worth a shot , like much of our heritage it is Made In China !

As a photographer who tries to find ways of reflecting the contradictions of life in Britain, I am delighted with this image, it will probably find its way into the now “completed” ? State Of Britain project .

Not many of my pictures manage to represent British past, present and future !

Made In China , shot no 68 , done !

Made In China, 2020

Made In China, 2020

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 67 , 07/03/20

A busy ,busy day today but you have to make time for a little bit of art, especially when your on a Trip Around The Sun journey !

This little piece of fun arrived this morning ,so I pulled this picture together in double quick time.

I’m sure Leonardo would have approved !

Mini Mona Lisa , shot 67 done , just in time for the rugby …


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 66 , 06/03/20

I feel that today’s picture is more of a beginning than a end result , a sketch if you like !

I’m not unhappy with this shot but I’m sure that the potential for a better picture exists here, time will tell ?

A number of today’s “nearly” captures came close, but failed to win the coconut !

If at first you fail, go back and fail again , failure is part the process of success !

Shot no 66, done !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 65 , 05/03/20

Today’s picture challenges how the traditional British landscape is depicted , the vintage idealised representations that are reproduced everywhere are completely out of touch with the reality of rural life in Britain now !

I’m not sure anyone ever totaly bought into this imagery but the post war optimism that spawned this imaginary view has been and gone !

Never underestimate the power of propaganda to perpetuate happy memories of times that never were !

Pieces Of England ? , shot no 65 , done !



TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 64 , 04/03/20

Today’s shot is a test shot for a conceptual project that has been rattling around my head for a while, the shot below bears little resemblance to my original visualisation , I discovered this location and graffiti when I took cover from a heavy rain storm today, this stroke of luck changed how I see this project !

The best thing about loose ideas is that they are adaptable and can evolve into better firm ideas ?

I’m happy with this one, this is a serious piece, I will definitely follow through on this project , all styled, modeled and shot ( via time delay ) by yours truly !

Constable Country , 2020 . shot no 64 of my Trip Around The Sun, done !

Constable Country , 2020

Constable Country , 2020

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 63 , 03/03/20

I’m not sure if vandalism or a winter storm created today’s photographic opportunity, either way I found this surprising view irresistible !

A missing roof panel, a leafless tree that produced diffused distorted shadows conspired to create this fortuitous. view ,

I’m grateful , Shot 63 done , same time tomorrow !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 62 , 02/03/20

I consider myself to be a instinctive photographer, I listen to my hunches and act on what are little more than optimistic premonitions !

I awoke this morning wanting to visit a old shop that closed years ago , I didn’t expect much, as this shop had stopped trading years ago but I knew that the quirky vintage mannequins were still displayed in the window , wearing toga-like covers, that protect their modesty !

I thought the location was worth a go and managed to combine these cloud reflections in the windows with this striking female figure in camera, creating a surreal high fashion vibe !

I’m pleased I followed my instincts today, leaving my polarising filter at home was a master stroke, Shot 62 done !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 61 , 01/03/20

Thought I would finish the week off with one last tabletop shot, using nothing more than shadows and natural window light !

It’s a very long time since I worked this way and I have to admit to enjoying the simplicity of this approach, the distortion of shadows has always fascinated me ,especially when colours are thrown into the mix , the elegant wine bottle shadow featured in the picture below is actually a dumpy little french lager bottle , the other object is a recently acquired state of the art bottle opener !

Looking forward to getting out next week, bye, bye February , Hello March , shot no 61 done , cheers !

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 61 , 01/03/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 61 , 01/03/20

TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 60 , 29/02/20

Due to my prevailing limitations I was running short of ideas for my 365 project today, I decided to visit my stock photography cliche department , otherwise known as my props cupboard , I came away with dare I say it “Chess Pieces” I know , I know , they were on the top of both the actual pile and the cliche pile ! I’m unwell at the moment , a case of any port in a storm !

The good news is that I am feeling a bit better and hope to venture out tomorrow although I best not run before I can walk , enjoy your weekend !

Once you become invested in this 365 shot each day shenanigans it becomes a form of madness, I can’t let a bump in the road get between me and the finish line , although this week has been tough !

Wow, shot no 60 done , February done , the Trip Around The Sun roles on, bring on March !


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 59 , 28/02/20

No sunshine or significant improvement to my circumstances today, so I’ve done what I can with a angle poise lamp, a old clock, a macro lens and a very shallow depth of field .

I’m desperate to get out and shoot on the streets, this still life bollocks is wearing thin ,there are few surprises in table top photography, hopefully tomorrow will be better ?

Tik, Tok ,Tic , Toc , shot 59 done and the 365 project maintained .


TRIP AROUND THE SUN , NO 58 , 27/02/20

More shadowy stuff today, just about managing to keep the 365 project ticking over, despite my lack of mobility, I’m still managing to shoot a new pic each day !

A bit of sunshine, optimism and a simple object can be enough to inspire a new pic when combined with a little imagination and motivation !

Fork & Shadow, No 58 , done .
