"Another Day Off" almost done !

My another day off series will be completed soon, this will be the last summer to feature in this project and I already have a few ideas of what I want to shoot next.

In order to evaluate where the project is now I have created a dummy book to help me sequence the series and identify areas that need to be revisited in order for the pictures to communicate my original idea of showing a English nation at play in the 21st century.

This is the first time that the pictures have taken on the feel of being related to each other and I have to admit to being pleased with the project so far. The book only contains 24 images and I have written a introduction which although short and simple was almost more difficult to create than the 126 pictures that currently represent the series so far !

The novelty of seeing the work in print rather than on screen has been well worth the effort and has taught me a lot about my own work. this book has helped to motivate me for the final leg of my Another Day Off series which will be complete in September .

Keep it real !
