Happy New Year ! If your reading this you managed to survive the festivities, congratulations !
During the Christmas break I was invited to participate in a picture per week project for 2017 and of course I accepted without really considering the logistics, the problem I have is that I'm not a city dweller, which is a bit of a disadvantage for a Street Tog, anyway I decided to shoot this 52 pic challenge with a conceptual approach and was inspired to buy a blue framed mirror for two quid from a local charity shop and investigate the creative potential of this mirror that had almost reached the end of the road .
I had made a capture a few years ago at a car boot sale that had sparked my interest in the way reflections can create a surreal vibe if considered carefully. The truth is that this idea had been put on the back burner along with many others, once I was confronted by my moment of inspiration (The charity shop moment) I knew I had to give it a go.
The first picture for the project came within minutes as I needed to rest my new blue friend against a wall, combined with my shopping I was struggling to make it back to the car without a breather, I did not plan to buy a great big mirror !
Anyway the view that the mirror picked up led me to believe that I might be onto something, I managed to capture 3 decent views before I returned back to my car. The mirror now lives permanently in the back seat and will be taken out 51 more times this year, madness !
That's how the Blue Frame Project was born, I'm unsure that I'll manage to create 52 shots with it before the seven years bad luck curse catches up with me, we'll see.
Apologies to the Street Photography Police for going off piste but the conceptual thing can't last, can it ?