All British , Apple Pie !

Although things don’t appear to change very much from day to day , the truth is that everything is changing all of the time !

Changing skylines and lifestyles are always great subjects for photography over time but subtle cultural change can be more difficult to detect photographically .

I revisited a view this week that I had always interpreted as a cultural indicator , I saw the irony and accuracy of this view immediately back in 2015 , it became a important part of my State Of Britain project . I found this British Parliment picture hanging on a New York themed wall in a local café during the Pre-Trump era , the symbolism of this picture always jarred with me , probably because it represented a uncomfortable truth ?

I was delighted to notice that the “Aspirational” , US , New York themed décor had vanished this week , I wondered what had motivated the décor change , was it driven by recent national or international events ?

I wasn’t that impressed by the new bare brick wall paper , although it did cover over the cracks and maintain the cultural barometer vibe , a stripped back lifestyle is quickly becoming a UK uncomfortable truth too !

I’d have been happier with a Clown or Circus themed wall covering or maybe a doomsday movie theme would have been appropriate , I’ll stop there !

As I contemplated the actual State of Britain and how it related to my State Of Britain photographic project I ordered a Hot Dog and Coca-Cola , I couldn’t face the thought of the “All British Apple Pie” with or without cream !

Ironically the waitress asked me to switch the lights off as I left …

No problem , I said…

No problem …

What does your wallpaper choice reveal …

Café View , 2015

Café View , 2015

Café View , 2021

Café View , 2021