If At First You Fail !

I am used to taking failure on the chin as part and parcel of my personal creative photographic process !

Taking visual and creative risks often leads to poor outcomes, this is not a bad thing and should not be confused with complete failure, as the learning that accompanies these disappointments often feeds my next creative adventure.

It’s easy to blame bad luck , bad light or a world that is not supplying the serendipitous elements or “Moments” that street photography demands but the truth is that Street Photography, like life itself relies heavily on perspiration rather than inspiration.

A re-working of failures can often pay-off if lessons have been learned from previous efforts and fresh eyes engaged !

In my shrinking world of limited travel in Covid-land I have been revisiting locations that I have shot before , with mixed results !

Some of the locations have evolved and become much more significant in recent times , not because they have changed but because the way I see them has ?

This monochromatic interpretation from a recent shoot has really taken me by surprise !

They say you should never look back ?

Re-visiting old locations with fresh eyes can deliver surprises . All rights David Barrett

Re-visiting old locations with fresh eyes can deliver surprises . All rights David Barrett

David Barrett is now following the pandemic crisis from a personal perspective with the Testing Times project .    

The State Of Britain series is now complete, it explores everyday life during the Brexit era and gives visual insights into British identity, aspirations and post-truth uncertainty .....                                                  

He is based in the South West of England .

Keep it real and stay safe …

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Samuel Beckett