Pull up a pew , take a seat , this short blog might be the most important Photo-Blog you will ever read , then again it might just fly over your head as you continue to continue …
Imagine that you have decided to make a chair , walk through the mental process of creating a chair !
Plan your chair , how will it look , how will you construct it , does it have to look good , what colour will it be , how comfortable does it need to be , what materials will you need , what tools do you need , how much research will you undertake , how much time & money do you have to create your chair , do you possess the necessary skills and finally what exactly do you want your chair to do ?
Is it just for your use during the quite moments in your shed or do you want others to admire the design and craftsmen ship of your skillfully crafted chair , is your chair available for resale or is it just a personal project made by you for you , the list of thoughts , plans aims and objectives for your chair could be and should be almost endless , at the end of this thought process you should have a very good understanding of what will eventually become " Your Chair ” …
The question is how much of yourself will you invest into your next “chair project” ?
You could just pull up the nearest “thing” , box, barrel or log and sit on that , anything will do if you just want to take the weight off for a while , especially if you don’t care about how it looks or expect others to admire it …
I know from experience that bad chairs become uncomfortable very quickly , be careful what you make , you will have to sit on it for a long time and others will have to look at it …
You could buy a chair , a ready made tried and tested comfortable design but that would leave you much poorer , in more ways than one , the chair would be generic , a mass produced product ! It would be a very quick and easy seating solution !
You could “borrow” a established design and make it yourself …
Its important to understand & manage your motivations and expectations when making furniture , making a good chair is hard work that requires a established skill set …
Do you really need a chair or are you seeking the experience of creating a chair ?
You don’t necessarily have to make a chair at all , you could just sit on your arse and enjoy doing nowt ?
Will you consider how it was made or just sit on it …
If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…
Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too …