While the nation is taking out gym memberships, giving up alcohol or embracing other goody, goody regimes, what habits should photographers adopt during 2020 to raise their games ?
1 , Take lots of / more pictures !
The first and best tip is that simple , most photographers do not make enough photographs , the act of making a exposure is not really the skill that I’m promoting here ! Developing a mindset and a feel for “the Moment” is something that can not be taught and must be earned & learned solo , perspiration , failure and a thirst for creative photographic exploration are the required building blocks of good photographic practice..
A picture each day project will accelerate photographic learning and make picture making a daily habit .
Success that comes easily, teaches least !
2, Shoot Abstracts
The plan here is not to turn you into the photographic equivalent of Jackson Pollock or Mark Rothko, .although that idea does not sound so bad to me ! The attraction of abstracts for photographers should be that it demotes the importance of subject to a position of irrelevance , allowing photographers the freedom to explore texture , form, shape and light ! Break the rules ! - What rules ?
Static abstract compositions can help photographers play with colour, composition and space within a curious mindset , the still life nature of these creative compositions allows photographers to continuously improve each capture until a satisfactory result is achieved. Photographic abstracts are a great opportunity to learn real creative transferable skills !
Abstract captures are a important part of my Street Photography warm up regime, one persons abstract view can be another persons background !
3. Learn the language !
Photography is a visual language , learn to identify what you like and why, photography books , art exhibitions and a more thoughtful, objective mindset will help .
It’s important to learn what messages you want your photography to communicate , iconography , symbolism and ideas based on subversion can be useful places to start ! Don’t underestimate the power of surprise in picture making !
Analysis of failure is more useful than the celebration of success in creative pursuits !
Ask yourself “WHY” every step of the way, question the most basic of conventions, Why am I making this picture ?
Last but not least try not to fit in with the crowd , creative wolves will have much more fun than obedient sheep during 2020 !
Wear good shoes & keep it real !