Diving For Pearls

Some of you might recognise the title of this blog , it comes from the Langer, Costello track Shipbuilding .

The tune resonates with me on many different levels , especially when performed by Robert Wyatt, this is the sound track I play in my mind when I view Killips Wallsend work . I’m aware that much of the work existed before the song.



Robert Wyatt

Is it worth it?
A new winter coat and shoes for the wife
And a bicycle on the boy's birthday.

It's just a rumor that was spread around town
By the women and children, soon we'll be shipbuilding

Well I ask you
The boy said 'Dad, they're going to take me to task
But I'll be home by Christmas.

It's just a rumor that was spread around town
Somebody said that someone got filled in
For saying that people get killed in
The results of their shipbuilding.

With all the will in the world
Diving for dear life
When we could be diving for pearls.

It's just a rumor that was spread around town

The Ship Inn, known as The Ship In The Hole by locals to avoid confusion with the High street pub of the same name.

The Ship Inn, known as The Ship In The Hole by locals to avoid confusion with the High street pub of the same name.

With everything that is going on, I’m reminded that many of us are “Diving for life, When we could / should be diving for pearls .

Don’t let the futility get between you and the important stuff , we are only passing through this place.

I’m revisiting Tyneside this week to say goodbye to a friend.

Until next time , dive for pearls …

Killip Zines Here http://www.ponybox.co.uk/shop/publications-2/the-last-ships/ …