Forgive me for stating the obvious , especially during a time when everything is changing !
I made a couple of captures this week that appear to belong to another time although only one of these pictures reflects the here and now !
Are we guilty of taking our “Everyday” for granted ? We don’t really engage with many of the familiar things that surround us, preferring to passively see rather than actively look at what IS in front of us !
“Actively Looking” is what should set photographers apart from others , objective evaluation combined with a genuine curiosity of all things is surely the basis of the “Photographer” job description ?
A interest of how things change over time should be a prerequisite ?
My relationship with the past changes with each day, my archive of pictures becomes more significant as the work slowly transforms , what I once thought of as Art Photography becomes Documentary Photography by default of age, interestingly this metamorphosis also occurs in reverse when solid Documentary Photography starts to become seen as Art ?
I’m not quite sure who polices or drives this unusual metamorphosis but it appears to occur on a significant scale ?
Where this leaves Street Photography with a foot in each camp is anyone’s guess ?
A “Nostalgic” picture from last Tuesday , 2020
This blog was inspired by the picture below, it is just a street scene during the Covid crisis but it possesses a historic sense of what has gone before, the light, location and passerby all appear to belong to these times and earlier times simultaneously !
I like the simplicity and honesty of this capture , it is quite ordinary , nothing special but it is richer for it !
Many words will be written by many writers about the Covid crisis and every word will be filtered by the writers to reflect their opinions or the views of those who whistle the tune , independent photographers must show how things really looked and what happened here , only the grammar of the history writers should be believed in our post-truth future !
These dark days expose the fragility our our personal realities, lives and work , nothing remains the same , let us not misrepresent these times !
Keep it real …
Stay safe and lookout for each other …
A picture from last Tuesday that belongs to my Testing Times project , 2020