I know , I know , this isolated colour tint thing with Black & White prints is not for everyone , I’m not certain it is for me either but I have to admit to liking it in this pic …
Strangely the colour tint thing is not the only element that creates conflicts within me in this pic but I’m not going there today , I’m going to be “good” ?
This photograph is from my Closed Doors Series and it is what it says , a series of photographs featuring doors that are closed , many of them permanently , it is a very simple set of pictures that was a response to austerity, it genuinely took me by surprise , once you strip back the approach and reduce the “Effects” the most mundane subjects can display integrity and beauty if you allow them to breath , photography doesn’t have to be about fancy pants technique …
Once again The Foto What I Took Blog has helped me uncover another picture that had been long forgotten , the tint and the mono version is just me ignoring my own advice and messing about in Photoshop during the last bank holiday for this blog …
I never imagined I would rework this picture like this , I never imagined I would question the voting advice of this picture but time changes everything …
I know I said I would be good but I do wonder if that poster should have a blue tint until Keith exits stage right or maybe I should adopt independant green tints until a viable opposition appears …
… the red tint and the mono version is just me ignoring my own advice …
This series of blogs is based around pictures from my archive , I hope the words that accompany the featured pictures offer a level of context , insight and inspiration to readers .
“The Foto What I Took” blog title , is a comedy reference “borrowed" / inspired” by the Morcambe and Wise “The Play What I Wrote“ sketch …
If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series , The Testing Times pictures or the “In Progress” , “Living” In Limbo… , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…
Many more The Foto What I Took Blogs are available too