I have no idea if the open “CRIT” session is still a thing in photographic education , it would not surprise me if Criticism Sessions had been consigned to history on grounds of brutality , hard knocks and plain truths …
For those of you who have been spared the cruelty of Art School “Crits” let me explain the dynamics of a “Crit Session” these supervised student v student verbal criticisms are encouraged as a form of group “Learning” and “Thick Skin Development” you don’t know what you have missed !
These sessions were frequently brutal for some and impossible for others who just did not possess the verbal wherewithal or visual confidence to defend their work against a partisan group of “know all” students who would dispense verbal cruelty upon fellow students and the work that failed to cut the mustard in their “know it all” uninformed opinions…
I mention this today as informal and formal criticism has become a thing of the past in the lovely , fluffy modern “Photoland” , where everything is “LOVELY” , “nice” , familiar and “good” !
Whatever happened to objectivity , critical thinking and progress , the one memory that I have of these critical sessions is their value , once the wounds had healed and waters settled , the critical school of hard knocks prepared me for the cut and thrust of the industry , open crits helped me to learn , fast ! The alternative was unthinkable …
The British Institute of Professional Photography would judge their print competitions using a open critical judge format , these sessions were a education and added another layer of understanding to the work of others and my own efforts, the perception of seasoned eyes should always be valued , especially if you trust and respect the critic …
Photographic uniqueness is being replaced by a conformity with a one size fits all deadpan generic aesthetic that appears to prevail in todays educational ill wind , students aspire to become lecturers of photography not commercially motivated photographers ?
Sadly some manage it , with scant knowledge of the industry from a photographers viewpoint , they maintain the continuity of bland uniformity , to be fair the industry no longer employs the number of photographers , printers & assistants it once did , limited opportunities stifle growth and learning , formal education in the creative industries should be a starting point not a incestuous destination or in-house supply chain … …
Like it or not commercial needs drive progress in all things , photography is not immune to the pressures of supply and demand , so when the demand decreases , innovation slows …
I would of thought that the demise of commercialism would leave space for creativity to thrive but that is not what I see , homogony is alive and well and living in Photoland , a land of beautiful green pastures where everyone is so keen to become a fluffy shepherd that they have become sheep , wolves are on the verge of extinction ???
Many of the pictures we see and make today do not need to exist , there is no need , demand or use for many of our “best” efforts if the truth be told , one of the great truisms of photography came from Parr , “Does the world need another sunset photograph” ?
Once you consider this statement deeply and expand upon it , it is a game changer , criticism of many things photographic becomes apparent if not essential …
We are all guilty of contributing to the homogenous noise from time to time but remember this , creative wolves live longer than complicit sheep …
Failing to produce images that possess photographic originality is understandable , failing to try and find photographic uniqueness within your personal practice is unforgiveable …
Anyone interested in another trip around the gold fish bowl …
Beware constructive criticism , it might make you howl at the moon !
Anyone for a moon dance …
Keep it real …
Headless dog with X-ray legs , 2020 . A in camera candid creation from my Whoooosh project .
If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…
Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too