Photography has been a serious business to me for most of my life , that’s why I embrace the opportunity to bring a playful mindset to my pictures whenever I can …
Surprise , serendipity , chance , luck and anything else beyond my control is worthy of pursuit within my own personal photography , the “What If” question fuels much of my photographic thinking nowadays , good technique is good for creating predictable , repeatable results but its not exactly the walk on the wild side I crave …
Risk is the great fear for many photographers as they fight for control of every photographic variable for fear of getting it “WRONG” , don’t fear failure , fear not knowing the reward of creative risk !
Lets be clear wrong is right , if you deliberately do it wrong , allowing risk into your creative process rewards the brave , the digital medium is perfect for “Chancers” as it can inform on a continuous improvement basis , one persons failure can become another’s success …
The picture below is a pinhole selfie that I shot on World Wide Pinhole Day , pinhole photography really is a invitation to “Play”, make sure you give it a go at least once , it might just set you free from the burden of maintaining “Good” technique …
Be aware it is addictive …
Surprise , a bit of movement , a bit of blur , a bit of this and a lot of that , discover the freedom of shooting without a lens, its great fun …
This series of blogs is based around pictures from my archive , I hope the words that accompany the featured pictures offer a level of context , insight and inspiration to readers .
“The Foto What I Took” blog title , is a comedy reference “borrowed" / inspired” by the Morcambe and Wise “The Play What I Wrote“ sketch …
If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series , The Testing Times pictures or the “In Progress” , “Living” In Limbo… , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…
Many more Foto What I Took Blogs are available too …