What Are You Waiting For ?

Do you know what “The Moment” you crave looks like ?

We have all seen the pics and admired the slices of life that others find , photograph and share with us , the best of these pictures are literally unbelievable , when I say unbelievable I am not casting doubt on the integrity of the captures or my fellow togs , I am simply acknowledging the conflict of belief that exists between the viewer and the very best images that depict “Unique” everyday “special” moments !

Let me put it on record that I find some of my own images unbelievable , this is not meant to be a self congratulatory pat on the back , it is more of a shake of the head as I realize “what has just happened” , “what just photographed” and ask “why” do the best pictures feel like a collaboration between elements I don’t understand , my lens & myself , it should always be remembered that as photographers we are part of the special moments !

A definitive description of the “The Moment” is impossible but I would encourage photographers to develop ideas of what “Their Moment” might look like and where & when it is most likely to turn up , try to avoid balloon covered faces , folk jumping off walls and all that other old tosh , begin to dream…

I have a theory that I find what I’m looking for , over the years I have built up a “Half Baked” wish list of ideas , triggers and instincts , I say half baked deliberately as I want to enjoy the freedom of a semi-shaped approach , fully formed ideas can be a ball and chain for receptive , reactive photographers , good photographers leave space for magic , serendipity and creativity to gatecrash the Street Photography party !

The best street moments frequently hijack “Original Intent” and subvert the outcome , humour , minor accidents and unforeseeable events are the surprises that we seek , seeing beyond “The Norm” is where we want to be , some of my best pics started off as one thing and became something else due to uninvited “Guests” walking into frame at the right time and occupying the space within compositions that await unidentified serendipitous elements , seeing & framing significance quickly is not easy , ideas of what “Your Significance” might look like will enable you to recognize “Your Needle” amongst “Your Haystack” of everyday chaos when it appears …

“A Needle” amongst “A Haystack” of everyday chaos …

Reading this back I see this blog as a manifestoe of optimism , mental preparation and a evangelical belief in the senses that go beyond the five classical senses , the magic of the mind should not be underestimated , a photographers instinct / anticipation is a learnable skill , the more you use prediction skills the stronger they become , stop laughing and try this …

Take a pack of playing cards , shuffle them , attempt to predict the colour of each card before you turn it over , don’t guess , consider each decision as a deliberate action , most folk will beat the 50 / 50 odds first attempt but not by much , now for the spooky bit , following a break of 15 minutes try again and notice how your hit rate improves ?

A photographers instinct , prediction skills call them what you will are a real thing but you have to trust this side of your mind , anticipation paired with instinctive visualization is a learnable skill set that will change how you approach photography , these intangible elements are what fascinate me most within Street Photography , trusting in theories beyond the formal photographic principles is a rich area of exploration , are you brave enough to rely on “Something Else” ?

Don’t worry you won’t have to confess to your friends that your next “masterpiece” was actually inspired a dubious new age blog that you read at UK Street Photography , you can use your newly developed skills quietly and anonymously , a simple “Thank you” below will suffice …

Shape loose ideas of what your looking for , only then will you recognize the presence of the “Imagined” unrelated elements before they collide !

Don’t underestimate the magic of the mind , get in touch with yourself , life , light the universe and everything …


If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…