A picture for our times ?

This is more than a coincidence !

Way back in March , 2018 I published a blog “Hot-Spots And Red Letter Days” that identified that certain everyday places delivered “Better” one-off pictures for me than chance alone would / should deliver ?

I know this is madness but it is true for me ?

Six years ago I made one of my most popular pictures outside a supermarket , it was a one frame spontaneous capture that delivered much more than I realised at the time , this very ordinary location delivered again this week ?

Testing Times , No 183 , 2020 . This capture was made this week on exactly the same spot as the “Superman” picture from 2014

Testing Times , No 183 , 2020 . This capture was made this week on exactly the same spot as the “Superman” picture from 2014

The capture above is a one frame walk by capture that just appeared , no stake out, no pre-visualisation , this shot happened so quickly that I did not appreciate the significance of this frame until later !

One of the driving forces behind my personal photography is the search for meaningful imagery that reflects my life and times , thankfully , every now and then a picture finds me that represents much more than the same old , same old !

Sometimes you make the capture and discover the significance later !

A picture of our times , for our times ?

Stay safe and keep it real …

Self Portrait Of A Stranger , Another Day Off series , 2014

Self Portrait Of A Stranger , Another Day Off series , 2014

I have reposted a link to the “Red letter Day” blog from 2018 on Twitter !

The eagle eyed among you may have noticed a new section on this site “Three From” , take a look !

David Barrett is now following the pandemic crisis from a personal perspective with the Testing Times project .    

The State Of Britain series is now complete, it explores everyday life during the Brexit era and gives visual insights into British identity, aspirations and post-truth uncertainty .....                                                  

He is based in the South West of England .