Photography Is Hard !

Everyone’s a photographer now , Bla , Bla , Bla and other nonsense !

Lets sort a few things out in this blog and kill off a few myths that are perpetuated by the ignorance of fools , half wits and charlatans !

You’ve bought the camera or the top of the range phone , your a photographer !

Right , WRONG !

Buying a guitar, typewriter or a sable brush will not turn you into a musician , novelist or artist , lets not pretend .

The initial purchase is a start should you wish to pursue any of these journeys but a bit more than the right kit is going to be required !

Here’s the thing , the most experienced photographers I know still possess a curious responsive mindset and are happy to confess to being in the “Still Learning” category ?

The continuous learning is the motivation for many seasoned photographers.

The problem is the more you know the more you realise what you don’t know !

To be clear I’m not talking about exposure , settings and the nuts and bolts of “Correct ” exposure , no, no , no ….

This is a bit deeper than that , this is about developing a personal alignment within yourself and developing a relationship with everyday life , its about learning about you , how you see , feel and respond to the world , a fusion of eye , soul and all the elements that make you , you , a personal vision !

Write a poem with your camera !

Don’t use too many words , show how it feels , the camera is capable of much more than showing how something looks , it does that by default !

Don’t aim to show what it looked like , show how it felt …

Wind Blown Burgundy Blinds & Fan , 2020 .Sometimes my  best photographs feel like “Magic” just happened !

Wind Blown Burgundy Blinds & Fan , 2020 .

Sometimes my best photographs feel like “Magic” just happened !

Everyone’s success bar lives at different heights , surprisingly the more experienced you become the more your hit rate drops , seasoned Street photographers aim for a dozen real “Successes” each year and will settle happily for half that number !

A whole load of failures are just part of the journey to the six pics that make each year worthwhile .

Interestingly if your just starting out on your photographic journey (10 years or less) it might be a good idea to think of yourself as a student of photography , I’ve only been making photographs seriously for 45 years and appreciate the value of thinking and exploring image making like a student ,

Life creates enough pressure without heaping more on yourself , free yourself from self made photographic burdens based on vanity !

Commissioned photography is a serious business but personal photography should set you free !

Don’t tell anyone but I’m still a student of photography and I hope to maintain that mindset forever !

It’s much more fun being a student , the world doesn’t need another self declared “EXPERT” ?

Stay safe and keep it real…….


David Barrett shot the pandemic crisis during 2020, The Testing Times project can be seen by clicking above .   

The State Of Britain series is complete, it explores everyday life during the Brexit era and gives visual insights into British identity, aspirations and post-truth uncertainty .....

Check out the new UK Street Shop on this site to buy Prints, Walks & More …

He is based in the South West of England .