Play Time , return to zero !

Nothing wrong with knowing what you want as a photographer !

Nothing wrong with wanting nothing .

In fact if I had to identify three important areas of development for photographers it would be ..





That’s four , your right ! I was so busy developing my mindset I lost count !

I have been so focused on my projects during the last six years that I had almost lost the fun element within my photography , having firmly developed project ideas, aims and objectives will help you “SEE” pics that you might otherwise miss but the discipline of a blinkered project driven mindset can become a burden, especially if a playful butterfly approach is your default setting !

Anxiety … , Sept 2021

Anxiety … , Sept 2021

The total creative freedom of seeing everything , shooting everything and being everything can become overwhelming, it can also become a bit random , especially if you value consistency and coherence ?

Empty your mind and be free , return to zero , conceptually .

I am currently shooting with a level of freedom that takes me back to my student days and I like it !

Some shoots are work and others are play, knowing the difference is important , a happy playful mindset is not a waste of time, it can deliver big smiles , literally …

Its nice to smile again , all work and no play ……

Smile , Sept 2021

Smile , Sept 2021