“The Dalmatian Contagion , No 2 ”
I’m a big fan of visual echoes especially when they are as random as this dog with a floral tablecloth in the background !
The rhythm and visual density of the design on the dog and the busy random spots of the tablecloth appear to connect when seen together , the cut off composition contributes to the unusual nature of this surprising candid capture from a local dog show !
Has the pattern behind fallen onto the dog or vice versa , can random designs become contagious if objects and animals get too close , it appears that they can , this image raises more questions than answers and that is exactly how I like it , as a viewer it is your job to resolve them , I can’t do all the heavy lifting …
This picture was shot during the Another Day Off series era but it did not make the cut as its a monochromatic work , Dalmatians have got to be Black & White , that’s the law !
Sometimes my pictures are not about the objects / living things featured , sometimes I break the subject down into shapes , patterns and space and explore how the “Collisions of Coincidence” bounce off each other , reality can and often does become something else if and when you start to “see” the world objectively !
“The Dalmatian Contagion” , No 2 , 2014 .
This series of blogs is based around pictures from my archive , I hope the words that accompany the featured pictures offer a level of context , insight and inspiration to readers .
“The Foto What I Took” blog title , is a comedy reference “borrowed" / inspired” by the Morcambe and Wise “The Play What I Wrote“ sketch …
If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series , The Testing Times pictures or the “In Progress” , “Living” In Limbo… pics , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…
Many more The Foto What I Took Blogs are available too …