The elusive uncertainty of “Good” photography is a funny fish !
If only the recipe for a successful capture was exactly that a recipe, masterpieces would be significantly simpler to create, identify and appreciate , they would also become predictable and less interesting .
Formulaic solutions are for scientists not creatives , extracting the mystery of any artwork is to remove the teeth from the piece, ambiguity should be embraced, not eliminated by forensic levels of understanding and interpretation !
Trust your soul ! (No pun intended)
I’m writing this blog as a general observation but it has been inspired by a recent capture that on first inspection & maybe your last inspection does not add up to very much, that said, this image possesses a deep significance for me but I don’t really understand why ?
Why does this lifeless deadpan view resonate with me so much during these times of Covid-19 , is it the rainbow on the horizon , is it the empty beach or is it the significance of the location ?
I know for certain that this view would have been of no significance to me in times before 2020, context for want of a better word appears to be able to transform a quiet mundane moment from nothing into everything !
Like I said , “It’s a funny fish “ this photography thing !
Stay safe ….
Where troubles melt like lemon drops , 2020