The best thing about this series of blogs is that it introduces readers to work from my archive that they might not of seen before , I have to confess that I’m pleased that this series is also reintroducing me to pictures that I had forgotten about too …
The picture featured today had fallen off my personal radar completely , it is from my “Blue Frames Series” and its better than I remember to be honest , this series was inspired by the work of Bill Brandt , he did a series with a mirror on a south coast beach that is worth checking out if you have not discovered it yet , in fact anything by Brandt will inspire and impress !
I should also credit Rene Magritte with a surreal influence in this pic too , this is “as shot” on location , no computer shenanigans here , blue sky in one direction and dark clouds the other way , welcome to England !
This is a self portrait shot with flash on the banks of the river Severn at Newnham , this whole series was invented to keep my creative juices flowing during the winter months , just me and a large blue framed mirror , most of these pics would be shot on a Sunday morning, the concept was usually developed during the week and was well established in my mind before I set off for the planned location shoot .
It wasn’t rare for colleagues to ask me if I would be “buggering about with that Big Blue Mirror this weekend” as they planned fishing trips, DIY or rounds of golf , I thought they were odd , I know they thought I was …
This series was great fun to shoot , I was Photographer , Assistant , Art Director and Model , I was also a slave to the self timer , bleep , bleep , bleep , bleep , bleep , bleep ,bleeeeeeep , check the image , rubbish , go again , rubbish , repeat , MADNESS …..
I would recommend buying “odd stuff” from car boot sales or charity shops to build pics around , especially if your inspiration reserves are low, it might take your photography to fresh places , creatively and technically …
Think like a surrealist …
I became a slave to the self timer , bleep , bleep , bleep , bleep , bleep ,bleeeeeeep ,…
If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series , The Testing Times pictures or the “In Progress” , “Living” In Limbo… pics , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…
Many more “The Foto What I Took Blogs” are available too …