Has Street Photography lost its mojo and inner smile in recent times ?
Happy photographers make happy pictures , shoot with a smile on your face , get in touch with your inner positivity blah , blah , blah …
We ‘ve heard all this “Top Advice” before , in fact I have reiterated most of these truisms on this blog myself and look forward to finding this “Happy Place” within my life and pictures again , sadly few of us in the UK are living our best lives right now and that’s the problem !
When life’s optimism & positivity diminishes where should “Street” togs look for their visual kicks and inspiration ?
I’m a big fan of the inner smile ethos but I’m struggling to get there at the moment , I wonder if these “Happy / Smiley” guidelines we have adopted in the past need adjustment / modification during life’s uncertain times …
I wonder if looking inwardly will enable us to see the reality of our times , warts and all ,producing work with sincerity that reflects our feelings is the only place left , Street Photography does not have to be upbeat , it does not require a inane fixed permanent grin !
When the world Zigs , it might be time to Zag ?
When society Zigs is it time to Zag ?
I wonder if the established up-beat generic colourful Street Photography approach remains relevant in a down-beat world that appears to be going to hell in a hand cart , Street Photography has a opportunity to reset and lose its disingenuous crazed smile , “Street” could become a more reflective serious medium that creates a deeper narrative of everyday life.
A voice that contributes to a serious creative visual conversation !
I’m seeing posts on social media from photographers who have lost their “Street” mojo in the current climate of uncertainty , in short their photographic get up and go has got up and gone , is the “Here & Now” a time for Street Photography adjustment , we need to adapt photographically to what is being described as the “New Normal” ?
Lets be honest our familiar super saturated visual “Street Photography Solutions” are looking a bit tired in a world that does not feel as jolly as it it once did …
I understand that “Street” offers a creative escape from dark days but I do wonder if we should look inside ourselves more and react to whatever we find in there, especially when the inner smile is hard to find !
Responding with sincerity to how we feel will help us to recover our missing mojo , in short , we need to get in touch with ourselves , we do not have to become disingenuous grinning photo - fools , unless that is who we are …
Good luck to those of you who are still able to find that “Happy Place” , I hope to join you soon …
Should you choose to reflect a world with a more critical , cynical or sarcastic eye be careful , its easy to get it wrong but hugely satisfying when you get it right , beauty can still be found in unlikely places…
A smile is not always necessary , reflect your feelings in the frame …
Keep it real …
Get in touch with yourself , I wonder if the established up-beat generic colourful Street Photography approach remains relevant in a down-beat world that appears to be going to hell in a hand cart …
If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…
Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too …