Is the up-beat , “Fun” Street Photography aesthetic appropriate during a cost of living crisis ?
I try to make Street Photographs that reflect & connect to the here and now, I’ve never been a big fan of the generic “Street” look ,, !
Nice people continuously photographing other nice people, doing nice things at nice locations in nice light doesn’t ring my bell , although it does look very, very nice , is “Nice” the benchmark of SP success or should “ togs” be putting more meaningful meat on the SP bone ?
I’m writing this as a photographer who is currently working in a Doc / Art Photography space and considering my next move following the completion of my Brexit & Covid projects ….
I’m a big fan of photographic ambiguity, its safe and it can create broad appeal , however , the danger of trying to be everything to everyone is that your work can easily mean nothing to anyone !
Street Photography does not have to be a clichéd procession of floating hats and balloon covered faces , it should evolve and become something more than a photographic equivalent of painting by numbers !
The work of Tony Ray Jones showed me what photography could be , find your meaningful inspiration and start looking deeper , society and Street Photography needs to re-boot , it must connect in a more meaningful way !
Colouring within the lines means no more than you can colour within the lines , demand more than compliance from yourself , start drawing the lines !
What will it take for you to think beyond the generic SP approach, a camera can be a powerful tool in thoughtful hands !
Use your photographic voice , don’t complain about it , photograph it , pictures can speak much louder than words, find your visual voice and shout !
Bring the reflections of your life into the light …
Shadows never cry …
Limboland , No 71 , 2022
If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…
Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too