Think about the layout ...

Every tog has aspirations to shoot magazine covers and double page spreads , most believe that only the best pictures find their way onto the front pages or on the centre spread , that is not totally true !

I was reminded recently that many of the pictures that occupy the most lucrative positions within publications are shot to be used as covers or spreads , its not accidental that they end up there …

The folk who layout magazines are busy folk , they don’t want to design a page around your picture , they prefer your picture to lead the design of the page , leaving space for headers and editorial copy might look like bad composition to fellow photographers but page designers will thank you for it and reward you for it …

Those who shoot stock should make alternative captures that take page layouts into consideration , your client , bank manager and agent will all thank you for being so “Thoughtful” …

It pays to spoon feed your clients , leave space for designers to design …

Think like a designer if your client is a designer !
