Sentimental "Old" Tosh ?

The metamorphosis of a photograph over time is a curious phenomenon !

Time appears to transform some pictures from cutting edge Doc photography into sentimental old tosh , monochromatic tones do not help, they contribute to the “Sentimental Demise” of what was once serious photography created with “serious” intent !

Christmas is the season of imagery that relies on the “Sentimental Old Tosh” hook and many of us are happy to accept the commercial gains of sentimentality , be aware that the “Good Old Days” mentality is a pictorial and psychological trap that awaits us all , sooner or later !

In many ways this blog is not about how pictures change over time but how our perceptions of imagery changes as the years pass …

Pictures depicting old poverty themed subjects frequently appear to be met with a warm glow by many of the online audience, those who look back see “better” times , the winter of discontent could never happen now , we believed then that foodbanks would never be needed in the UK as we have a fully functioning welfare state and a “World Class” health service …

I’m reluctant to go down the “gravel for breakfast” & “sweeping the lake” path but I do wonder if significance is lost at some point between the original authors intent and a modern “Poverty Porn” audience as the years pass …

Nostalgia is a dangerous place for photographers to inhabit , especially Doc photographers , my view is that photographs now should reflect the here and now and avoid a disingenuous narrative or aesthetic , I am currently conflicted by my last statement as it contradicts sincerely held production values that have become central within my current series , my usual glossy saturated pics feel misplaced in 2022 , my England has lost its colour , I see life in tones right now …

England feels and looks like the seventies in many places , despite being in a new century the UK State is failing .

Is a seventies aesthetic really out of place amongst todays chaos ?

The old picture above could be accompanied by the “Hovis” music , sepia toner and the warm glow of nostalgia , it could also be read as a portrait of “Better Days” but that would be misleading , the old picture above was captured at a time of war in Europe, at a time when poverty prevailed and at a time when England was on the brink of a national strike !

The picture above is not from the “Good Old Days” , the picture above was shot two weeks ago and is from my Limboland project , this is my here and now !

Sometimes I try to show more than how life looks , I try to capture how life feels , “time changes everything” or should that be “time changes nothing“ , including “Disingenuous” aesthetics …

Maybe the clue is in the “LIMBOLAND” title …

Have a safe and warm weekend …

A “OLD” photograph from 18 days ago …


If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…

Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too

Think about the layout ...

Every tog has aspirations to shoot magazine covers and double page spreads , most believe that only the best pictures find their way onto the front pages or on the centre spread , that is not totally true !

I was reminded recently that many of the pictures that occupy the most lucrative positions within publications are shot to be used as covers or spreads , its not accidental that they end up there …

The folk who layout magazines are busy folk , they don’t want to design a page around your picture , they prefer your picture to lead the design of the page , leaving space for headers and editorial copy might look like bad composition to fellow photographers but page designers will thank you for it and reward you for it …

Those who shoot stock should make alternative captures that take page layouts into consideration , your client , bank manager and agent will all thank you for being so “Thoughtful” …

It pays to spoon feed your clients , leave space for designers to design …

Think like a designer if your client is a designer !

Do Shadows Ever Cry ?

Is the up-beat , “Fun” Street Photography aesthetic appropriate during a cost of living crisis ?

I try to make Street Photographs that reflect & connect to the here and now, I’ve never been a big fan of the generic “Street” look ,, !

Nice people continuously photographing other nice people, doing nice things at nice locations in nice light doesn’t ring my bell , although it does look very, very nice , is “Nice” the benchmark of SP success or should “ togs” be putting more meaningful meat on the SP bone ?

I’m writing this as a photographer who is currently working in a Doc / Art Photography space and considering my next move following the completion of my Brexit & Covid projects ….

I’m a big fan of photographic ambiguity, its safe and it can create broad appeal , however , the danger of trying to be everything to everyone is that your work can easily mean nothing to anyone !

Street Photography does not have to be a clichéd procession of floating hats and balloon covered faces , it should evolve and become something more than a photographic equivalent of painting by numbers !

The work of Tony Ray Jones showed me what photography could be , find your meaningful inspiration and start looking deeper , society and Street Photography needs to re-boot , it must connect in a more meaningful way !

Colouring within the lines means no more than you can colour within the lines , demand more than compliance from yourself , start drawing the lines !

What will it take for you to think beyond the generic SP approach, a camera can be a powerful tool in thoughtful hands !

Use your photographic voice , don’t complain about it , photograph it , pictures can speak much louder than words, find your visual voice and shout !

Bring the reflections of your life into the light …

Shadows never cry …

Limboland , No 71 , 2022


If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…

Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too

It's Coming Home ...

The spirit of 66 is alive and well , come on England …

(Added at 9.08pm ) Sadly roumors of football coming home were greatly exaggerated …

Tonight I will be mainly wearing this shirt with contrasting crossed fingers !


If your blessed with a bit more time and not really interested in the footy feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…

Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too

Lets hear it for the independant bloggers ...

I suspect todays whinge is more of a modern cultural failure , rather than a deliberate act of rudeness, malice or lack of gratitude !

It might be time to appreciate the independent online content producers a bit more as social media loses it’s shine .

The thing is, many independant bloggers like myself do not sell advertising , products or anything else on our humble photography websites , we do not have sponsors, we create these sites as a act of community and goodwill …

The most “cynical” accusation that could be aimed at any of us is that we are building a audience for our photographic work , we don’t have to do what we do, we actually pay for the privilege of running these sites and that is before we talk about the amount of knowledge we share and time we invest …

Social media would be a whole lot poorer without the experienced bloggers , podcast producers and video makers …

My site is well visited , that is why it does so well within search engines and other metrics but I’m surprised by the number of folk who spend big chunks of time on my site without responding with a “Like” , “Share” or comment , in short , “its nice to be nice” , I know running a blog is a thankless job due to the existing online culture , I don’t want coffees , donations or gratitude , all I’m looking for is the goodwill that motivates me to create this content to be reflected back by my “anonymous” audience …

I found myself thanking a podcast producer recently as I really appreciated the time , research and work that had gone into the content , we should remember this stuff is being given to us free of charge , it is an attempt to put something back , a contribution to the common good , its not click bait , most have very little to sell or gain from blogging , if anything …

Show your appreciation the next time you visit a independent online space , interact and contribute to the conversation …

Apathy is a contagion , don’t let your next click become a 404 , support online creators today , while you still can …

The UK Sreet Photography Blog is the No 1 UK street Photography blog and website for 2022 …

Ethical sponsors for 2023 would be most welcome …

PS : No sooner had I completed writing this blog bemoaning the thankless task of being a Photography blogger when a unsolicited surprise message of thanks came via my website, the message was from a source unknown to me and said no more than “Thank you for being you “ !

This simple message reached me just before I published this , it made my day and made a fool of me and this whingy blog !

Appreciate the online community before it evaporates along with social media , change is inevitable …


If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…

Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too


This quote could have been written for Street Photographers …

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

― W.B. Yeats

A Recent Picture .

A picture from yesterdays Limboland shoot , posting a few pics on here rather than on anti-social media , feel free to share , like , comment or say hello below …

“Living” In Limboland , No 68 , Nov , 2022 .

Beware The "Crit" !!!

I have no idea if the open “CRIT” session is still a thing in photographic education , it would not surprise me if Criticism Sessions had been consigned to history on grounds of brutality , hard knocks and plain truths …

For those of you who have been spared the cruelty of Art School “Crits” let me explain the dynamics of a “Crit Session” these supervised student v student verbal criticisms are encouraged as a form of group “Learning” and “Thick Skin Development” you don’t know what you have missed !

These sessions were frequently brutal for some and impossible for others who just did not possess the verbal wherewithal or visual confidence to defend their work against a partisan group of “know all” students who would dispense verbal cruelty upon fellow students and the work that failed to cut the mustard in their “know it all” uninformed opinions…

I mention this today as informal and formal criticism has become a thing of the past in the lovely , fluffy modern “Photoland” , where everything is “LOVELY” , “nice” , familiar and “good” !

Whatever happened to objectivity , critical thinking and progress , the one memory that I have of these critical sessions is their value , once the wounds had healed and waters settled , the critical school of hard knocks prepared me for the cut and thrust of the industry , open crits helped me to learn , fast ! The alternative was unthinkable …

The British Institute of Professional Photography would judge their print competitions using a open critical judge format , these sessions were a education and added another layer of understanding to the work of others and my own efforts, the perception of seasoned eyes should always be valued , especially if you trust and respect the critic …

Photographic uniqueness is being replaced by a conformity with a one size fits all deadpan generic aesthetic that appears to prevail in todays educational ill wind , students aspire to become lecturers of photography not commercially motivated photographers ?

Sadly some manage it , with scant knowledge of the industry from a photographers viewpoint , they maintain the continuity of bland uniformity , to be fair the industry no longer employs the number of photographers , printers & assistants it once did , limited opportunities stifle growth and learning , formal education in the creative industries should be a starting point not a incestuous destination or in-house supply chain … …

Like it or not commercial needs drive progress in all things , photography is not immune to the pressures of supply and demand , so when the demand decreases , innovation slows …

I would of thought that the demise of commercialism would leave space for creativity to thrive but that is not what I see , homogony is alive and well and living in Photoland , a land of beautiful green pastures where everyone is so keen to become a fluffy shepherd that they have become sheep , wolves are on the verge of extinction ???


Many of the pictures we see and make today do not need to exist , there is no need , demand or use for many of our “best” efforts if the truth be told , one of the great truisms of photography came from Parr , “Does the world need another sunset photograph” ?

Once you consider this statement deeply and expand upon it , it is a game changer , criticism of many things photographic becomes apparent if not essential …

We are all guilty of contributing to the homogenous noise from time to time but remember this , creative wolves live longer than complicit sheep …

Failing to produce images that possess photographic originality is understandable , failing to try and find photographic uniqueness within your personal practice is unforgiveable …

Anyone interested in another trip around the gold fish bowl …

Beware constructive criticism , it might make you howl at the moon !

Anyone for a moon dance …

Keep it real …

Headless dog with X-ray legs , 2020 . A in camera candid creation from my Whoooosh project .


If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…

Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too

“Anti-Social” by default ?

At first I thought it was just my mix of cynicism and paranoia that was making things feel a little quieter online but others have noticed that the Twitter audience in particular is vanishing …

I am currently reviewing my relationship with the little blue bird following recent events , I think a break might be necessary / enforced very soon …

It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain any sort of supply chain that possess a credible level of integrity nowadays , especially online , I’m not sure that UK Street Photography can exist in isolation without the support of social media but once you lift the curtain on the other main “Social Media” players you have to hold your nose too , the Twitter question might be the beginning of a much deeper existential question for all of us …

Is it time to fly the nest ? It could be , it might be time to fly UK Street Photography independently or maybe not at all…

I started this site during better times in 2014 , its a different world now , “Social” media has become “Anti-Social” by default ?

A conceptual pic from 2017 …

I wrote this blog on the fifth of November but did not share it straightaway, since then UK street Photography enjoyed a Sunday of almost record visitor numbers , funny place this online space ?

Now I’m just confused , the peaks appear to be higher and the troughs much lower …

I don’t know what is going on , will continue to share my work and new blogs for the foreseeable future ,

Good luck with your photography and thanks for your support during my Street Photography journey …

I can still be contacted via my ”Contact “ page …


If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…

Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too

Do Less , stop Mucking About ...

Like most photographers I have received more tips than PG throughout my life but todays photo tip is the daddy !

I know you’ve heard it all before , more click bait from BARRETT , no , no , no …

I’m not going to ask you to sign up to a online course , read loads of ads or buy a book , today I just want to share the one lesson that it has taken me a lifetime to learn …

Before I cut to the chase let me try to explain how I got to where I am and the mistakes I made along the way , I know I sound like a born again snake oil salesman but trust me , we’ll get there …

Let me be clear ,there is nothing wrong with having more tricks up your sleeve than Paul Daniels or whoever the current media magician is but sometimes you have to realise that tricks are just that , tricks !

The only person your deceiving with a camera bag full of tricks is you , as I write this I have memories of wanting to be the best exposed , correctly developed , sharpest focused and technically accomplished , creative well composed photographer on the planet , to be fair I trod this road for many a year and achieved competence in many of the areas identified above , along the way I messed with purple Cokin filters on stormy skies , thought print solarisation was trendy and abused photoshop within a inch of its life , I’ve used and abused every technique in the book at one time or another to earn a crust or to satisfy my endless curiosity , truth be told the results of all these “Tricks” are long gone , thankfully …

The thing with “good” technique is that you can choose to use it should you wish but its no substitute for good photography , they are not the same …

Back in the day when I was just kicking off, my ignorance was my strength , my personal photography possessed a sense of honesty , simplicity and integrity , admittedly I didn’t know any better , the purity of my approach was enforced , my income was my pocket money , I did not own all the kit , I did not ask myself lots of questions , I did not know what questions to ask , it was me a camera and my everyday …

That is more or less where I am now , my LIMBOLAND project is so stripped back that it is naked , what you see is what was there , I’ve even banished the colour …

It can be easy once you realise how easy it is …

Let the natural light and your emotions do the heavy lifting …

Stop mucking about …


If your blessed with a bit more time feel free to visit highlights from LIMBOLAND , my Another Day Off project , The State Of Britain series or The Testing Times pictures , they represent the most turbulent years in modern British history and ten years of my life…

Forty of my Foto What I Took Blogs are still available too …